Shipping / Delivery Service area

American Wood Cabinets is now servicing a zone within 250 miles of Bensenville IL- 60106

  1. American Wood Cabinets only provides Shipping/Delivery services to the 3 following zones.
  2. The size, weight and assembly selection of every order will affect shipping/delivery cost.

*If you are outside of our service zone you may place you order and arrange your own freight or pick up.

Zones are calculated using zip codes, and vary based on the distance from the origin (Bensenville, IL 60106) and its destination. Since the zones are approximate we reserve the right to refuse delivery even if your destination is inside the marked zones.

Zone 1: 1-50 miles

Zone 2: 51-150 miles

Zone 3: 151-250 miles

Item pricing does not reflect shipping/delivery fees. You must select a delivery method or contact us to arrange pickup.

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